In this life or death game, where the cards form a whole, many opponents have come to me. Great warriors, miserable people, people wanting glory, power. All human beings, of course. But this is the first time I've met... an orange cat. He quietly entered my domain and climbed onto the table where the cards are played.
"What are you doing here, great feline?"
"Meow!" he replied.
"This is no place for you. Leave."
The cat doesn't move. He scratches his ear with his paw.
"Go away!"
The orange feline is still on the table, but he's stretching out his paw towards my deck of cards.
"Ah. Are you interested? But this game is for humans, not animals."
The cat meows again. He goes straight to touch my deck with his paw while staring at me.
"Hmmm. You seem to have the intelligence of a man. Good. If you want to play this life or death game, sit in the chair."
The orange feline goes to sit on the chair. He's now facing me. The table separating us. A deck is created with my powers for the cat.
"Here's your deck, cat. Now, are you ready?"
He nods.
"Then let's begin!" I said, flying the cards through the air to shuffle them.
A new life or death game begins.